2/21/2019  PSVB
We run contests all the time on social media.  It's used to gain followers, likes or support an organization.  We have given away tickets to sporting events, dinners, and even RING doorbells which we think are super cool for the home.  If you want to win one read to the end.
FEDEX is giving away three prizes, $50k, 30k and 15k.  That's a lot of money.  Do you know who will win?  We do.  Those who at least take the chance and enter to win.  You would be surprised at how few actually enter contests.  They don't believe that it will be them.  Trust me, you have a chance.  Just do it.


Entry Period
February 19–March 25
Voting Period
February 27–April 1
Top 100 Announced
April 5
Winners Announced
April 29
Enter and Spread the Word

First, review an example. Then follow these steps to increase your chances of winning:

1. Write a short profile.
Share your unique story and offerings.
2. Upload photos and a logo.
Capture the spirit of your business in images.
3. Create a video.
Create a one-minute video pitch about your business. Check out some simple tips to get you started.
4. Get out the vote.
Remind fans to vote for you. Votes are one of the many factors that help you get noticed by the judges.
Oh ya, wondering how to win a free RING doorbell ($99 value)?  Just click here and download their app then comment below.   One in 20 always win!  Those are good odds!